Making Tteokbokki

Tteokbokki is a beloved Korean dish that has gained popularity around the world for its addictive spicy and chewy flavors. Made with cylindrical rice cakes, gochujang (Korean chili paste), and a variety of other ingredients, tteokbokki offers a delightful combination of heat, sweetness, and umami. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making tteokbokki from scratch, including preparing the rice cakes, creating the sauce, and adding optional ingredients to enhance the dish’s flavor and texture.

Part 1: Preparing the Rice Cakes

1. Soaking the Rice Cakes:

Start by soaking the dried cylindrical rice cakes (tteok) in cold water for about 30 minutes. This helps soften the rice cakes and ensures a chewy texture when cooked.

2. Boiling the Rice Cakes:

After soaking, drain the water and transfer the rice cakes to a pot of boiling water. Cook them for about 5-7 minutes or until they become plump, tender, and slightly chewy. Be careful not to overcook them, as they may turn mushy. For more recipes, you can visit website

Part 2: Making the Tteokbokki Sauce

1. Creating the Base:

In a separate saucepan, combine gochujang (Korean chili paste), soy sauce, sugar, minced garlic, and water or anchovy broth. Adjust the amount of gochujang according to your desired level of spiciness. Stir the ingredients over medium heat until the sauce is well combined and the sugar has dissolved.

2. Adding Flavor Enhancers:

To enhance the depth of flavor, you can add other ingredients to the sauce. Some popular choices include gochugaru (Korean chili flakes) for additional heat, sesame oil for nuttiness, and a dash of fish sauce for umami. Adjust the amounts of these ingredients based on your taste preferences.

Part 3: Cooking the Tteokbokki

1. Combining Rice Cakes and Sauce:

Add the cooked rice cakes to the saucepan with the tteokbokki sauce. Gently stir to coat the rice cakes evenly with the sauce. Continue cooking over medium heat until the sauce thickens and clings to the rice cakes, creating a glossy coating.

2. Adding Vegetables and Proteins (Optional):

Tteokbokki can be customized with various vegetables and proteins. Common additions include sliced carrots, cabbage, onions, green onions, and fish cakes. You can also incorporate proteins like boiled eggs, sliced sausages, or seafood to make the dish more substantial. Add these ingredients to the saucepan and cook until they are tender and well-incorporated.

3. Serving and Garnishing:

Transfer the cooked tteokbokki to a serving dish and garnish with toasted sesame seeds and sliced green onions for a pop of freshness. Some people also like to sprinkle shredded cheese on top for added richness and creaminess.

Tips For Cooking The Tteokbokki

Cooking tteokbokki requires attention to detail and a few helpful tips to ensure the best results. Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing this popular Korean dish:

1. Use Fresh Ingredients: Opt for fresh rice cakes and high-quality ingredients, such as gochujang, soy sauce, and vegetables. Fresh ingredients will contribute to the overall taste and texture of the dish.

2. Control the Spice Level: Adjust the amount of gochujang and gochugaru (Korean chili flakes) according to your preferred spice level. Start with smaller amounts if you’re sensitive to heat and gradually increase to find the perfect balance of spiciness.

3. Soak the Rice Cakes Properly: Ensure that you soak the rice cakes in cold water for the appropriate amount of time. Soaking them too long can make them mushy, while inadequate soaking can result in hard and chewy rice cakes. Follow the instructions on the packaging or soak them until they are pliable and slightly softened.

4. Don’t Overcook the Rice Cakes: When boiling the rice cakes, be careful not to overcook them. Overcooking can lead to a mushy texture. Cook them just until they are tender and slightly chewy. Keep an eye on them and test their texture frequently to avoid overcooking.

5. Use Anchovy Broth for Authentic Flavor: If possible, use anchovy broth instead of water when making the tteokbokki sauce. Anchovy broth adds depth and enhances the overall umami flavor of the dish. You can easily make anchovy broth by simmering dried anchovies and kombu (kelp) in water for about 20 minutes and then straining it.

6. Add Vegetables and Proteins at the Right Time: If you’re adding vegetables or proteins to your tteokbokki, consider their cooking times. Add ingredients that require more time, such as carrots or cabbage, earlier in the cooking process, and add quick-cooking ingredients, such as green onions or bean sprouts, towards the end to ensure they remain crisp and vibrant.

7. Adjust the Sauce Consistency: Tteokbokki sauce should have a thick and slightly sticky consistency. If the sauce becomes too thick during cooking, you can add a little water or broth to thin it out. Conversely, if the sauce is too thin, you can simmer it for a few more minutes to reduce and thicken it.

8. Garnish and Serve Fresh: Garnish the tteokbokki with toasted sesame seeds and sliced green onions just before serving. These garnishes add freshness, aroma, and visual appeal to the dish. Serve the tteokbokki immediately while it’s hot to enjoy its optimal taste and texture.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can elevate your tteokbokki cooking skills and create a delicious and authentic dish that will impress your family and friends. Enjoy the process of making tteokbokki and savor the flavorful results!


1. Can I use frozen rice cakes for tteokbokki?

Yes, you can use frozen rice cakes for tteokbokki. Make sure to thaw them completely before cooking. However, keep in mind that frozen rice cakes may have a slightly different texture compared to fresh ones.

2. How do I prevent the tteokbokki from sticking to the pot?

To prevent the rice cakes from sticking to the pot, make sure to use a non-stick or well-seasoned pan. You can also lightly grease the pan with oil before adding the sauce and rice cakes. Stir the tteokbokki frequently while cooking to ensure even heat distribution and to prevent sticking.

3. Can I make tteokbokki in advance?

Tteokbokki is best enjoyed fresh when the rice cakes are soft and chewy. However, if you need to make it in advance, you can prepare the sauce and cook the rice cakes separately. When ready to serve, reheat the sauce and rice cakes separately, then combine them just before serving. Keep in mind that reheating may slightly alter the texture of the rice cakes.

4. Can I freeze leftover tteokbokki?

While it’s possible to freeze leftover tteokbokki, the texture of the rice cakes may change after thawing and reheating. The sauce may also become thicker upon freezing. If you do freeze it, store the tteokbokki in an airtight container and consume it within a month for the best quality. Thaw it in the refrigerator before reheating.

5. How can I adjust the sweetness or spiciness of the tteokbokki?

To adjust the sweetness, you can add more or less sugar to the tteokbokki sauce according to your taste preference. If you prefer a spicier tteokbokki, increase the amount of gochujang or add additional gochugaru (Korean chili flakes). You can also incorporate other spicy ingredients like chili powder or red pepper paste for more heat.


Making tteokbokki at home allows you to savor the iconic Korean flavors and tailor the dish to your preferences. By following these steps, you can create a delicious tteokbokki dish that showcases the perfect balance of spice, sweetness, and chewiness. Enjoy this popular Korean street food in the comfort of your own kitchen and savor the delightful flavors of tteokbokki.

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